Nikita, Laugavegur 56 - Quirky, colorful, surprising boardgirl clothing. The -40% sale doesn't hurt!
Eymundsson, Austurstræti 18 - A great selection of books in English, also by Icelandic authors. After Halldór Laxness you can dive into Arnaldur Indridason's fresh detective novels about murder in Reyjavik.
66 North, Bankastræti 5 - Super nice but super expensive outdoor gear. Will keep you dry and warm in the crazy Icleandic weather.
Cintamani, Laugavegur 11 - More cool outdoor gear. Maybe not quite as expensive as 66 North. Cintamani also sells gas for cooks who like to camp.
Farmers market, Eyjarslod 9 - Wonderful knitwear in a small shop hidden away in the old harbor. On the way there you'll se genuine smelly fishing boats.
Frída Frænka, Vesturgata 3 - An explosion of cool, kitschy antiques and junk. Kaisa bought a retro Donald Duch toothbrush holder. Need we say more?
A Næstu Grösum, Laugavegur 20b - The first vegetarian restaurant we bumoed into on our way out on the bike trip. And still Kaisa's favorite.
Grænn Kostur, Skolavördustigur 8b - Leka thought the food here was even nicer than at A Næstu Grösum. But the location could be a bit better: if you choose to eat outside you're basically sitting at a parking lot.