Friday, August 27, 2010

In the news

Given many Icelanders' infatuation with ridiculously big cars it is headline news when someone proposes that the country is travellable by other means.

The evidence? Almost a full page in the leading newspaper Morgunbla∂i∂ about our trek around the ring road with our bikes, and a nice mention of our book too. Not bad for two scrawny designers!

1 comment:

  1. Til hamingju, siis onnea (: Muistan kuinka oma isäntäperheeni aina ihmetteli pyöräileviä tai liftaavia turisteja siellä. Aina otettiin liftarit kyytiin, montaa pyöräilijää en tosin nähnyt. Leppoisia viimeisiä päiviä!
